Secret Token 0.8

2 min readApr 4, 2024


We’re thrilled to unveil Secret Token version 0.8, a significant update packed with new features, enhancements, and crucial bug fixes aimed at enriching your experience on our platform. This version focuses on enhancing functionality, improving usability, and ensuring a more seamless interaction across the board. Here’s what’s new in Secret Token 0.8:

Enhancements and New Features:

Seamless Social Media Integration: Successfully closed the loop on IG/X linking, allowing for a more integrated social experience.

Advanced Sorting and Filtering: Introduced new filters and sorting options to help you navigate the platform more efficiently.

Enhanced Content Interaction: Zoom for preview photos and post drafts are now released, making content creation and viewing a breeze.

User Interface Improvements: Rolled out significant UI/UX enhancements, including the ability to switch accounts easily, improved mouse-over texts, and a more intuitive naming convention by renaming “Bridges”.

Like and Follow Mechanics: Introduced a novel feature where users can like a post once and have the option to remove their like. This feature is set to be a cornerstone for future filtering and sorting of feeds.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Capabilities: Improved log-in process with SSO and ensured seamless operation even for users without an existing Fanatico Wallet.

Financial Interactions: Custom purchases with the $ sign have been confirmed, including a minor but crucial improvement to remove spaces after $ and the amount for clarity.

Post and Interaction: Enhanced the way users can post comments, like, and follow within the platform, alongside the ability to close profiles without saving names — ensuring user autonomy and privacy.

Networks and Messenger Connections: Resolved connectivity issues with Apple, Telegram, and Facebook, ensuring a smooth sync across your preferred social networks.

Bug Fixes:

Addressed a critical bug where the [Back] button did not function correctly, alongside fixing issues related to the wallet information not updating and the amounts displayed after processing transactions.
Tackled the challenge with connecting social networks and updating account information after disconnecting from social networks.
Quality of Life Improvements:

Made several backend improvements, including the addition of informative messages for users creating or importing internal wallets and post-publish requirements, to streamline the content creation and publication process.
Cosmetic Adjustments:

Focused on refining the visual aspect of Secret Token by list currency same by default, removing unnecessary spaces after the $ sign and amount, and swapping buttons for a cleaner look and feel.

Secret Token version 0.8 is a culmination of our dedication to providing a user-centric platform that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. We’re committed to continuously improving and adding features that enhance your experience. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us, so please let us know your thoughts on this latest update. Thank you for being a part of the Fanatico community!




Since 2017, Fanatico connects Idols and Fans with exclusive content, clubs, and events, enhanced by our FCO Token for seamless interactions.