Fanatico Secret Token 0.6 Release

2 min readJan 30, 2024


We are excited to announce the release of Fanatico Secret Token version 0.6. This update brings a host of improvements, new features, and bug fixes to enhance the overall user experience and functionality of the Secret Token.

Brief Overview of Fanatico Secret Token:

Fanatico Secret Token is an innovative approach to digital content and asset ownership and sharing within the blockchain space. It allows creators to issue unique, encrypted tokens representing their digital content. These tokens can be bought, sold, or transferred securely, ensuring that only the rightful owner has access to the actual content. By leveraging blockchain technology, the Secret Token provides a secure and transparent way to manage digital rights and ownership.

New Features and Improvements:

  1. Disallow Copies: Enhanced the system to prevent unauthorized copying of digital content linked to Secret Tokens.
  2. Limit Number of Copies: Introduced a feature to set and enforce limits on the number of copies that can be made for a particular content.
  3. Transfer by Email/Handle (SSO): Implemented a high-priority feature allowing users to transfer Secret Tokens via email or handle through single sign-on (SSO) mechanisms.
  4. Media Content without Mandatory Text: Improved flexibility for Secret Tokens linked to media content by removing the requirement for accompanying text.
  5. SSO Prompt Options After Sign-In: Added options for SSO prompts post sign-in, enhancing user experience and control.
  6. Transfer FCO with Internal Wallet: Addressed a critical issue enabling the transfer of Fanatico FCO tokens using the platform’s internal wallet system.
  7. Publication Removal: Enabled authors to remove publications if not yet owned by others.
  8. Internal Wallet Unlock — Wrong Password Warning: Improved security by implementing warnings for incorrect password attempts on the internal wallet.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Amount Field and Error Message Issues: Resolved issues related to the Amount field in transactions and the display of error messages.
  2. Pay with Link Issue: Addressed a high-priority bug affecting the ‘Pay with Link’ functionality.
  3. UI Fixes in Fields Title/Description: Enhanced user interface by fixing issues in the Title and Description fields, including the removal of placeholders and error message display.
  4. Copy Handle/Address Functionality: Fixed the bug preventing the copy function for handle/address in the user interface.
  5. Editing Error Message Display: Ensured error messages are displayed correctly during the editing of content or tokens.
  6. Feed Update for Maximum Sales: Updated the feed to remove posts that have exceeded the maximum number of sales.
  7. Decryption and Copy Sold Count: Ensured that decryption processes do not affect the ‘copies sold’ count for digital content.

Additional Tasks:

  • Conducted an investigation into Royalty hiding mechanisms and their impact on the platform.
  • Continuous performance optimizations and security enhancements.

This release represents our commitment to improving the Fanatico Secret Token experience for creators and users alike. We value your feedback and encourage our community to share their thoughts and experiences as we continue to evolve our platform.

Thank you for being a part of the Fanatico journey.

The Fanatico Team




Since 2017, Fanatico connects Idols and Fans with exclusive content, clubs, and events, enhanced by our FCO Token for seamless interactions.